
Watching Bethlehem

Everyday the men in caps
speak low
with unbottoned cuffs
and hangnail heads
while the sun rumbles down

The stars are a twitter
and twirl like ginned dresses

Watching it scatter
the girls either laugh
in shivers or plung
their arms into their boys
shuddering their shoulders

The stars are ceaseless
and the girls watch the caps
drooping like daffodils

The day sighing
like a long forgotten dog
slids earthward
and watching them
the circle topples out
Leaving ulitmately
the bent grass
and the coppered clovers
in the setting sun


Acres ago, I left you on stone cut walls
with John Varvatos
under winding oaks and ravenous vines.

Eyes along the dust road and fingers
edging away from hands
you bruised your ass on rocks.

He, ever pungunt and insidious
flexed his fingers, grinned,
and coughing shrewdly, brought his hips to yours


Watching august

I held myself volatile
in stringy jackets and yards of tweed
while the sun spilled like a ruptured yolk
broken on the mountains

Washington States

They say
the ferns of the glistening
can taste menstration.
That is why
we didn't go hiking.